Team performance

Track your team's performance and when they are busiest.

Total New Tickets

A ticket is a conversation with a customer. A single ticket may have many messages and generally aligns with a conversation (or thread) in Gmail.

This number reflects the number of tickets created during the selected time window and mailbox(es). A day begins at 00:00:00 (midnight) and ends at 23:59:59 (or 11:59pm) in your company’s time zone.

New tickets that match a Workflow that applies the "Ignore & Discard" action are not counted.

Current Open Tickets

This is the number of tickets with a status of open at 23:59:59 at the last selected day (using the date picker) in the company’s time zone for the selected mailbox(es).

Average New Tickets Per Day

For the selected time period and mailboxes, the average number of new tickets created per day. As with the New Ticket calculation, this does not include tickets that are "Ignored & Discarded" by a workflow.

Average (First) Response Time

For the selected time period and selected mailbox(es), the average amount of time it takes for a conversation to get a response. If you are using Keeping's autoreply feature, the autoreply is not counted in the response time calculation.

  • First Response Time reflects the amount of time it takes for a new ticket to get its first response from one of your agents.

  • Response Time reflects the amount of time subsequent messages in a ticket take to get a response from one of your agents. If there is only a single reply to a customer, then response time and first response time will be the same.

Response time is calculated based on your company's business hours. Importantly, responses made outside of your business hours are not included in your response time calculation

Set your business hours

Resolution Time

Resolution time is also calculated based on business hours. The resolution time "clock" is only ticking when a ticket is in an open or pending state.

For example, if a ticket is in the open state for 20 minutes, then closed for 4 days, then opened again and in the open state for 56 minutes, its total resolution time would be 76 minutes.

  • If a conversation is closed and your customer replies, it is not resolved again until the status is set back to closed.

  • If Agent A replies and closes a conversation, then your customer replies, then Agent B replies and closes the conversation, Agent B has resolved it.

  • If an Agent creates a ticket, your customer replies and the Agent closes it without a reply, the conversation is not included in resolution metrics.

  • A conversation cannot be resolved by being created, nor by closing without a reply from an Agent.

  • If a conversation is closed outside of your organization's business hours, resolution time is calculated for the time the ticket was open during business hours.

  • If a customer replies to a conversation (often a “Thanks” reply) and it is closed with no Agent reply, the resolution happens on the previous Agent reply.

When selecting the time window for reporting, the resolution metrics will be calculated based on conversations that were resolved in that time window.

Resolution time can be viewed by Agent and Tag . The Agent that closes the conversation receives "credit" for the resolution (only one agent can ever receive credit for a resolution). For Tags, all tags assigned to the conversation receive "credit" for the resolution.

Busiest Times

The Busiest Times grid can help you better understand when your team is under high load. The days and hours of the grid reflect your company's business hours (set on your preferences page), and the number in the grid reflects the number of new tickets (or messages) that are processed during that time period.

If you select a time period that includes multiple weeks, the busiest time graph will show an average number of tickets or messages for the selected day and time.

Use the drop down menu to switch between Messages and Tickets.

Last updated