Forwarding your mailbox

Step by step instructions on how to forward your shared mailbox email to Keeping.

The easiest way to set up Keeping is to login to your shared mailbox with "Sign in with Google". As an alternative, you can manually forward your support mailbox to Keeping.

🖐️If you are using a Google Group or Gmail Alias, see our specific help articles.

Connect a Google GroupConnect a Gmail Alias

Good to know: If you've previously connected a mailbox via "Sign in with Google", you'll need to disconnect it before you can set up forwarding.

If you're not there already, (1) navigate to the settings page for your mailbox by (2) clicking the pencil icon on the mailbox settings page.

Choose "Set up Forwarding"

Copy your Keeping Forwarding Address

Copy your unique Keeping forwarding email address to your clipboard by clicking on the icon to the right of the address.

Login to the Gmail account for this mailbox

Back in Gmail, login to the Gmail account that currently receives your support email. This is typically an account that looks like or

Go to your Gmail Settings for your shared mailbox

Click the "Gear" icon in Gmail, then See all settings.

Choose the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab of your settings

Under Forwarding, click "Add a forwarding address."

Enter your unique Keeping email address

Enter your unique Keeping email address that you copied in Step 3, and click "Next."

Click OK and proceed to the next step

Gmail will send a confirmation email to your unique Keeping email address. Click OK and proceed to the next step.

Confirm Your Email Forwarding

Gmail confirms any new forwarding address with an email. Return to the Gmail account that you originally signed up for Keeping with, and check your inbox for a forwarding confirmation from Google.

Log back into your work Gmail account

Log back into your work Gmail account (or the address you used to create your Keeping account), and look for an email from Google asking you to confirm email forwarding.

Confirm email forwarding to Keeping

Open the email, and click the link to confirm email forwarding to Keeping.

Enable Forwarding and Test (Important!)

Almost there! After you have confirmed forwarding, you need to go back to the Gmail account for your support emails (eg support@ or help@), and return back to the settings for Forwarding and POP/IMAP and enable the forwarding.

Go to your Gmail Settings in your support mailbox

Log back into the account that currently receives your support email (or, you may still be logged in). Return back to the settings.

Go to the Forwarding & POP/IMAP tab

As with before, return to the Forwarding & POP/IMAP tab. This time, choose the setting next to your Keeping email address and click "Forward a copy of incoming mail to.."

Don't forget to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page!

Send a Test

Back in the Keeping settings, send a test email to confirm you have everything wired up correctly. You should receive a test email in your work account, inside the Keeping tab.

Last updated