Creating Workflows

How to create and edit a new Keeping Workflow.

In Keeping's settings, click on the Automation tab to create a new workflow.

Setting Up a New Workflow

Click "Add Workflow" to create a new workflow

Name your workflow

Name your workflow something that will help you remember what it does, and choose which mailboxes your workflow will run on. Remember, a workflow runs when a new message arrives in one (or more) of your mailboxes. Click "Next Step" to move on.

Choose your matching conditions

Choose when the workflow runs and the conditions that need to match to trigger your workflow. For example, you may want a workflow to run when specific words are present in the subject of your incoming support email. See our help article on workflow conditions to learn more.

You can chain together multiple conditions using "AND" and "OR" blocks by clicking the "AND" or "OR" buttons. For example, you may want to trigger a workflow only when certain words are in the subject AND it is from a specific email address.

Choose your actions

Select the Actions to apply once your Workflow is triggered. For example, you may want to assign a ticket to a specific agent. As with Conditions, you can chain multiple actions by clicking the "AND" button. See our help center article to learn more about workflow actions.

Review and Activate

Review your workflow, and click Activate to set it in motion!

Last updated