Workflow conditions

Understand how the various conditions match when using a Workflow.

What are Workflow Conditions?

A workflow runs when an email matches a set of conditions you define. When a condition subject matches, it triggers one or more workflow actions.

Workflow actions

Runs When

Workflows run when email moves through the Keeping system. You can choose what type of email should trigger a workflow in the Runs When block.

Runs When block in Keeping

You can configure your workflow to run when:

  • The initial email is received

  • The agent replies

  • The customer replies

  • Any of the above events occur

Condition Subjects

A workflow can match on the text of one (or more) of the following fields of an incoming email.

Conversation Subject

The conversation subject is the text in the subject line of an incoming support email.

Customer Name

In an incoming email, the customer name is the name inside the Reply-To of a customer email address. For example, in the email address <Joe Smith,>, "Joe Smith" is the customer name. Not all incoming emails contain a customer name.

Customer Email Address

In an incoming email, the customer email address is the email address inside of a customer's Reply-To. For example, in the email address <Joe Smith,>, "" is the customer email address. All incoming emails should include an email address.

Mailbox Email Address

This is the to: address on the incoming email. Normally this condition is not needed as you can specify the mailbox when creating a workflow. Use this condition when you have multiple email accounts forwarding into a single shared mailbox and you need to run rules on their original email address.


This special condition subject can match on whether there is (or is not) an attachment on an email.

Ticket arrives on or after/before

This condition is used to process a ticket based on a time-of-day. Note that the day begins and ends at midnight. For example, if you create a condition to match "on or after" 20:00, then this would match when a ticket arrives between 20:00 and 11:59:59 that day. Similarly, creating a "on or before" rule would start at midnight up to the time you set.

Use the "AND" operator with two time conditions to create a window if you'd like to assign tickets based on a particular shift.

Keeping AI detects a "Thank You" response

This condition activates only when a customer replies. Once enabled, Keeping AI will analyze the customer's response to determine if it is a simple "Thank You" (or similar message) that doesn't require further action. You can then create a Workflow Action to automatically close the ticket, apply a tag, or take any other specified action.

This condition can only be applied when you have chosen when the Customer replies setting is set for Runs when.

Keeping AI Thank You Detection is available in Keeping's Advanced and Enterprise plans.

On every email

To run the workflow on all emails, use this condition. Note: It cannot be combined with other conditions.


Use this condition to check for the presence (or absence) of one or more Keeping tags.


This condition can be used to check the status of a Keeping ticket. For example, you may want to run a Workflow that automatically assigns an agent when an email arrives that has the pending status.


Use this condition to check the priority of a ticket. A priority can be either low, medium, or high.


This condition can check if a ticket is assigned or unassigned. For example, if a customer replies to a ticket and it is unassigned, you may want to assign a particular agent.

Condition Operators

For any Condition Subject (except attachments), you may use the following operators to match on the text within that field.

Is equal to

Is equal to matches when the text you supply exactly equals the text in your Condition Subject. This operator is case sensitive.

For example: if you supplied the phrase “Bob’s burgers”, it would only match on “Bob’s burgers”, not on “bob’s burgers”, “bobs burgers”, "Bob's burgers are good", or “bob”.

Is not equal to

Is not equal to matches when the text you supply exactly does not equal the text in your Condition Subject. This operator is case sensitive.

For example: if you supplied the phrase “Bob’s Burgers”, it would match on “Ralph”, “Pandemic”, “Bob”, “bob’s burgers”, but not on “Bob’s Burgers”.


Contains matches when the text you supply is found anywhere in the Condition Subject. This operator is case insensitive.

For example: if you supplied the word “apple”, it would match on text like “Do you carry appleshirts?”, “I need an AppleTV”, or “Do you know what an apple is?”

Does not contain

Does not contain matches when the text you provide is not present anywhere in the Condition Subject. This operator is case insensitive.

For example: if you supplied the word “apple”, it would match on strings like “Hello how are you?”, “I need a TV”, but not on “I need an AppleTV”.

Starts with

Starts with matches when the condition subject starts with the text you supply exactly. This operator is case sensitive.

For example: if you supplied the word “bill”, it would match on “”, not on “”, or “”.

Ends with

Ends with matches when the condition subject ends with the tex you supply exactly. This operator is case sensitive.

For example: if you supplied the word “”, it would match on “”, but not on “”.

Last updated