Workflow actions

Learn how to apply an action when a workflow matches a condition.

What are Workflow Actions?

One or more workflow actions can be triggered when an email matches a set of workflow conditions. An action is a particular event that should run when a new ticket arrives.

Change Status

Automatically change the status of a Keeping support ticket to Open, Closed, or Pending.

Assign to Agent

Automatically assign the ticket to an agent. Note that the agent must have permission to the mailbox, and that multiple agents can be assigned by invoking this action multiple times.

Set Tag

Automatically set a tag to the support conversation. If you haven't created any tags yet, organization admins can do so in your preferences.

Set Priority

Automatically set the priority of a support conversation to Low, Medium, or High.

Ignore & Discard

This special action will discard the incoming ticket, and Keeping will not create a support ticket for the incoming email. However, a copy of the email will remain in your support mailbox


Keeping will push a desktop notification to the selected Keeping agent. The agent will need to enable desktop notifications.

Push into the Gmail Inbox of

Keeping will push a ticket into the main Gmail inbox of the selected agent. This effectively unarchives the email by adding the Inbox Gmail label to the email.

Last updated