Connecting a mailbox

Connect a shared mailbox to Keeping to have it sync'ed with your team.

What is a Keeping Mailbox?

In Keeping, a mailbox is where your customers already email you. It's typically a shared account and often is named something like or In order to use Keeping, you'll need to connect at least one mailbox.

You can connect a mailbox by logging in directly with "Sign in with Google." Alternatively, you can use email forwarding to send your support mail to Keeping.

Creating a New Mailbox

Navigate to the mailbox section of your Keeping settings page, and click Create a New Shared Mailbox.

Enter Shared Mailbox Details

Enter the name and email address for this shared mailbox. Your shared mailbox should be an existing email address. It may be a Google Group, Google Workspace account, or other email address.

Remember that the Mailbox Name will be shown to your customers when they receive a reply via Keeping.

You may also decide who has access to this shared mailbox.

When you reply to your customers with Keeping, it will originate from the shared email address and name you provide here. This is usually the email address where you already receive email from your customers. It might start with something like help@ or support@.

Activate the mailbox

Read on below to decide how to connect Keeping to your new mailbox.

Choosing How to Connect a Mailbox

There are two main ways to connect a shared mailbox to Keeping. Choose "Sign In With Google" if your shared mailbox is a dedicated email address that you can log into. Otherwise, choose Email Forwarding if your shared mailbox is a Google Group, Alias, or some other email account. See below for specific instructions depending on your situation.

My mailbox is an Gmail account that I can login to

Choose "Sign in with Google" if your mailbox is a dedicated Gmail account where the email address is the same as your support mailbox's address.

Sign in with Google

My mailbox is a Google Group

Keeping is fully compatible with Google Groups. Since Google Groups duplicates some of Keeping's features, most customers convert their Google Group to a Gmail Alias or dedicated Gmail address after using Keeping. But if you choose, you can add Keeping to your Google Group.

Connect a Google Group

My mailbox is a Gmail Alias

If your shared mailbox is a Gmail Alias on another account, you'll need to use a Gmail filter to selectively forward your support mail to Keeping.

Connect a Gmail Alias

My mailbox is a web form

You can add your Keeping email address directly to your web form if you'd like to send support tickets to Keeping.

Connect a web form

I want to use forwarding to connect my mailbox

If your support account isn't a Gmail account that you can login to, or if for some reason you don't want to use "Sign in with Google", you can use forwarding to connect your mailbox to Keeping

Forwarding your mailbox

Last updated